Friday, May 25, 2012

This Week In Science #14

This week i science we did the food web videos. We had to put 5 videos of sea animals that eats each other.  Then we also wrote in out observation log. We observed out spider. My spider unfortunately died :"(. Then we worked on some test questions. And then we went over whats ecosystem. And we had a chance to make up some work and that was a great opportunity.

Monday, May 7, 2012

This week in science #12

This week in science we worked a lot with spiders and setting up homes for them. I watch my spider make a web. And I feed my spider. Spiders eat fruit flys. We also went over some reagents questions we learned more about ecosystem and about different kindmos. We made booklets for our spiders. And colored the front page. In the inside we answered some questions abou our spiders. And took notes about our spider. How our spider looked everyday. Did anything changed. Also we had to color. And make our cover page.

What i learned is it takes time for spider to make a web and get comfortable in its home. Spiders wrap any insects they catch in their web then eat it. Also i learned the definition of ecosystem. Ecosystem is a consisting of all the living organisms or biotin components. This week was really fun. I enjoined working with spiders.