Monday, December 19, 2011

Classification Chanlenge

Kingdom: Animalia ( means its an animal)
Phylum: Chordata (
Class: Amphibia ( means A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned)
Order: Anura ( means cold breez)
Family: Ranidae (means a family nearly cosmopolitan in distribution
Genus: Rana ( means Type genus of the Ranidae)
Species: R. pipiens

Rana pipient frog could be found in the  southern side of the states. The Rana pipient is a big frog it has green and brown spots on its back and it has brown stripes on the two side. The woman's could lay up to 6000 eggs in the water . Rana pipient eats  various and small invertebrates . They also very slimy .

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cricket Investigation

 Question:Do cricket prefer fruit or vegetables?

Hypothesis:If we give crickets choice between apples and celery then I predict that they would choice celery because they like grass and grass is vegetables so they would pick celery.  

Results:(Picture of Data)

I put the apples in one corner and the celery in another corner.At first all 4 crickets went to the celery and they were eating that.But then after a while they went to the apple and ate that we had to move the apples little closer to the celery. I think the crickets went to the celery first because it has a stronger smell.But when we moved the apples closer they smelled the apples. After a while they didn't want none of them so they just sat at the corner.I think they like both apples and celery's.

Conclusion:If you give crickets choice between celery and apples i thing they would pick both.Because we tested it and first the crickets ate the celery.Then letter on they moved to the apples.Crickets prefer both apples and celery

Friday, December 9, 2011

This Week In Science #6

  This week in science we worked with jelly belly.We made a  key to let other people know what the flavors that they eating.We had to observe them and write which one has dark spots which one has light spots and stuff like that .We also had to divide them in to groups and put the once with the spots together and the one that don't have spots together . We Build the key and we had to ask questions about the jelly's questions like which jelly is pink and which ever is pink we put them together  I learned that I could explain something to people by using a key or a chart.
  My experiences ever okay i wasnt too exited about it. It was kind of fun but not OMG fun. My thoughts about this project is it makes no seance to me it pretty stupid I felt like I was in 1st grade gain working with jellys? Umm pretty stupid.But since I get grades for that then I do what I gotta do

Friday, December 2, 2011

This week in science #5

  This week in science we looked up some videos on animal behaviors. And we saw a lot of different behavior. Some animals were fighting and some were slapping a guy. there was two cats attacking each other and there was two birds trying to get the cats tail . There was also a dancing cat. I saw a lot of animal behavior and it was kind of funny because animals attack worst than humans do and it was funny how a man got beat up by an animal. Now I know not to get to animals too close because I don't know if they thinking of attacking me. I found out that cats are dangerous. We also looked at some crickets real once and they jump really HIGH.But they die fast and they also smell really bad. I dint know that crickets eat apples but there was an apple there so i figured they do eat apples. Animals have a lot of different behaviors.
  I am still unsure about if the animals behaviors are the same in real life. Because on the video they are very violet  and aggressive. Maybe the owners of the videos edit  the videos. The major idea was too find out about animals behavior and they are really playful,horny,abusive. I dont think all the animals are like that but I think some of them are. I noticed that dogs and cats are really abusive well not all of them but the once on the video OMG they were very abusive. My question is are all animals are like this abusive, playful, horny? No right? My aha moment was when I found out that crickets are small i thought crickets and grasshoppers were the same creature  but they are not. I still like animals :D