Sunday, June 3, 2012

This Week In Science #15

  This week in science we did alot of fun stuff. What we did was we wrote in out spider log and we did some work sheets. On Tuesday we did the marshmallow challenge. We did the marshmallow challenge twice.  It was really fun. But my group kept failing and failing. We will defiantly get better at it. On Thursday i wasn't here but i heard they went up to the roof and recorded a video of  them self. The video had to be about you. They had to tell their 10th grade teacher about them self's. Like whats they like , what they do, how they have fun. And also they had to tell their 10th grade teacher about how they grew through the year. I kind of wish i was here because this project sounds really fun. 
What i learned was i learned alot about spiders ecosystem and their habitats. Also i learned that if i make the spaghetti tower tall and thin it will not hold the marshmallow the tower will break. My group tried the same thing twice and failed at it. I guess we should of knew that if it didn't work the fist time why would the h*** we tried the second time. But oh well now we know that not to make out tower so tall and thin. I didn't really learn anything about the video project but it was a really good idea to record your self. It gives your 10th grade teacher an idea of how you look if your personality. After all this week was really fun

Working in groups in okay. I think i woke better in groups if i like the people that are in my group.I don't think i got better because i didn't really like my group and that was a problem.But i think i got better at doing the marshmallow challenge. I do like working in groups. Because i don't think its possible to work by your self when you doing the marshmallow challenge because one person has to hold the spaghetti and one person has to tape it. So after all working in groups is good.

Friday, May 25, 2012

This Week In Science #14

This week i science we did the food web videos. We had to put 5 videos of sea animals that eats each other.  Then we also wrote in out observation log. We observed out spider. My spider unfortunately died :"(. Then we worked on some test questions. And then we went over whats ecosystem. And we had a chance to make up some work and that was a great opportunity.

Monday, May 7, 2012

This week in science #12

This week in science we worked a lot with spiders and setting up homes for them. I watch my spider make a web. And I feed my spider. Spiders eat fruit flys. We also went over some reagents questions we learned more about ecosystem and about different kindmos. We made booklets for our spiders. And colored the front page. In the inside we answered some questions abou our spiders. And took notes about our spider. How our spider looked everyday. Did anything changed. Also we had to color. And make our cover page.

What i learned is it takes time for spider to make a web and get comfortable in its home. Spiders wrap any insects they catch in their web then eat it. Also i learned the definition of ecosystem. Ecosystem is a consisting of all the living organisms or biotin components. This week was really fun. I enjoined working with spiders.

Friday, April 20, 2012

This Week In Science #11

This Week In Science we got posters and we wrote definitions or questions about the vocabulary words. We walked around the room and posted them. Then we got our tanks for out spider. We went outside to design it. We put all kinds of plants,flowers,sticks and insects in our tank. I also added some dirt and rocks. We also had to take pictures of the important parts of the ecosystem. I took pictures of plants and trees and sticks. Then we had to make a document and put our pictures and write about it. One thing that Jailin did was she wrote down information about our spider. This is a picture of our tank .

What i learned was that plants and trees are very important for our ecosystem.  I discovers that warms are underground at wet places. A question i had was why do we need to put soil in spiders tank? Do spiders even like dirt? I think that spiders only like webs and fly's. I don't think they need sticks and flowers. I think if a spider eats dirt it will die.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

This month in science #10

This month in science we did a lot of fun stuff. Some articed came and they were helping us with our slogan and our campaign. Our topic is waist. And our slogan is "One Starts Million Continues". Which means one person starts littering and million continue. We also went out to interview people outside which was really fun. And it was surprising that David trusted us that was amazing. We asked people on the lower east side questing about waist,transportation, electricity and others. It was really fun me and my team did really good. It took us long time to come up with a campaign.

What i learned was that people in lower east side watch a lot of tv. And they use their computer a lot. Also that not a lot of people are nice. Also i learned that most of the people on the lower east side are pretty sticked with recycling. I also learned the meaning of slogan and campaign. This month was really fun. I didnt really learn a lot.